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Wisco 690 Warming Merchandiser Cabinet

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Your Price: $787.00 USD - $1,042.00 USD
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Hot Foods Warming Display Cabinet

These warmers utilize circulating, heated air to maintain food above 150°F for extended periods of time. Their versatility is showcased with a shelving system that allows you to adjust the shelves to your specific needs resulting in an endless variety of food items it can accommodate. Choose between Short & Tall with either a Single Door or a Double Door pass-thru option.

  • Acrylic display
  • Adjustable thermostat with temperatures from 80°F to above 150°F
  • Stainless steel corners and base

Please Note: Available in black only.

Wisco 690-16 Two Shelf Merchandising Warmer

  • Dimensions: 18"W x 25"H x 18"D
  • Electrical: 120V, 640W, 5.3Amps

Wisco 690-25 Four Shelf Merchandising Warmer

  • Dimensions: 18"W x 34"H x 18"D
  • Electrical: 120V, 640W, 5.3Amps


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